Alex The Alkimist

Alex The Alkimist is a Polygon blockchain based NFT Project. This series was a mutation from the first series which was launched in 2021. Those who owned a series 1 Alex the Alkimist and an elemental (another NFT series) were able to combine the two and transform their NFT into a mutated one.
Inspired by the mutant apes, we wanted to provide utility to the series 1 Alex the Alkimist holders. We also had another NFT series called elementals which were a series of different elements (Carbon, Magnesium, Nitrogen, Silicon) Depending on what element you had, it would have a different affect on your Alex's mutation.


We built a mechanism within which recognised what series 1 Alex the alkimist you had along with what elemental you had, and depending on the combination, it would burn both original NFTs and reward you with a new mutated NFT. This was a huge success with the community.
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